The Mithi River Project started in October 2020 thanks to the funding from Huhtamäki [...]. In cooperation with United Nation’s Global Pulse, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Earth5R RiverRecycle’s operation reduces the input of plastic into the Indian Ocean. The hosting community will secure improved waste collection, a healthier environment and more established employment. The project has also served as RiverRecycle’s pilot for implementing its circular economy solutions, proving the functioning of the RiverRecycle concept after extensive testing phase.
More info and material are available on our pages:

This has been a great example of collaboration. Coordinating multiple parties is never easy, luckily we worked together with capable individuals part of great organizations. Thank you to everyone who shared our goal to a cleaner environment and supported us in this project.
This is the beginning of a project making the difference.
#sustainability #mithirivercleanup #circulareconomy #circularity #riverrecycle #rivercleanup #huhtamaki #vttfinland #Earth5R
Huhtamaki VTT Earth5R